PH Consulate General in Chongqing meets ZHH & Robin LLP, a leading law firm in China

24.07.31 ZHH Law Firm

Chongqing, 31 July 2024 - (Top left photo)  Philippine Consul General Ivan Frank M. Olea (left) was warmly received by Mr. Eagle Yang (right), senior partner of ZHH & Robin LLP. The law firm is the first southwestern law firm in China to open a branch in New York, USA and has received accolades from the public and private sectors. They provide due diligence and other legal services to Chinese firms interested in investing in the Philippines.

Consul General Olea gave an overview of the investment climate in the Philippines. As firms in Chongqing aim to expand overseas, Consul General Olea emphasized the advantages of the Philippines as the gateway to the ASEAN market and underscored how the legal environment in the Philippines protects foreign investments.

(Right photo) Consul General Olea was joined by Vice Consul Elroy Rendor (3rd from left) and Ms. Jenny Jia (2nd from left). Mr. Yang was joined by Mr. James Li (leftmost), Ms. Yvonne Wen (2nd from right), and Mr. Harry Wang (rightmost).  END